
Movimento / Talking Dance: Absorb the expertise of artists who come across movement in their work, and join our 5th season of Movimento.  

Movimento is a series of five public, interactive talks presented from the perspective of artists outside of dance, looking in. Movimento takes a fresh and innovative approach to audience engagement, where invited guests share their experience of dance or movement, demystifying and making accessible this rich and beautiful art form and inviting the audience to become active spectators.


Once again, this season we ask five artists to use their practice as a lens to explore dance movement and the process of choreography.

Dates: 5 sessions throughout the season


Cost: 5€ per session


Time: 18:30–19.45


Venue: ŻfinMalta studios, Valletta


Led by experts includingVictor JaconoScott DeLahuntaMichele TufignoArthur Dumas, Rodia Vomvolou,  Tom Van Malderen, Alexandra Pace, Riccardo Buscarini,  Dr Michael Quinton, Alex Camilleri, Lara Zammit, & John D’Arcy, & Young Progressive Beings

Our upcoming session:

ŻfinMalta's blog with visual artist Matthew Attard for On Reefs and Eroded Lands We Danced

‘Seeing – Tracing Drawing Movement

with guest expert

Matthew Attard

20th June / 18:30


ŻfinMalta Studios



Join us for the fourth and final appointment within the ŻfinMalta Movimento series for the 23/24 season with our guest, Matthew Attard.  Matthew unpacks the points at which movement and dance intersect with his work following two collaborations with the National Dance Company (On Reefs and Eroded Lands We Danced and Geographers of Solitude).


Matthew’s practice investigates images as social and cultural constructs and he is strongly interested in situating his practice within the realm of contemporary drawing through a multimedia approach that highlights drawing’s versatile, performative, and time-based nature. His interest in understanding the gaze as a form of drawing – its perceptual, physiological and cultural dimensions – were the focus of his practice-based PhD research at the Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, funded by the Malta Arts Scholarship scheme.  Matthew is currently the solo artist representing the Malta Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale, with the project ‘I WILL FOLLOW THE SHIP’, commissioned by the Malta Arts Council and co-curated by Elyse Tonna and Sara Dolfi.


Raised in Malta, in 2009 he moved to Venice and collaborated with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and the USA Pavilion at the Biennale Arte 2009 and 2011. Later, he came back to Malta where in 2018 he obtained his Masters by Research Degree from the Digital Arts Department of the University of Malta. He first exhibited his work in a double solo show organised in 2014 at Galleria Michela Rizzo in Venice. Since then, he has exhibited in Venice, Rome, Valletta, Genoa, London, Beijing and Los Angeles among other cities. Also, in 2017 he was selected for the 3rd edition of the ‘Le Latitudini dell’Arte‘ Biennale, at the Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, while in 2018 he was awarded the Under 30 Euromobil Prize at ArteFiera, Bologna.


He was selected three times to show in the context of ‘Ten Artists to Watch’ at LACDA (Los Angeles Centre for Digital Arts) and in 2019 he was invited to participate in ‘ArtissimaTelephone’ at the OGR spaces in Turin. Recently, he was shortlisted for the Lumen Prize 2021. ‘Rajt ma rajtxnaf li rajt‘ is one of Matthew’s major solo shows, curated by Elyse Tonna at Valletta Contemporary in 2021. In 2022 he was commissioned the work ‘Here’s How I Did Not See What You Wanted Me To See’ as part of the OPEN digital residency at Blitz, Valletta. His most recent solo show, ‘Ship of Fools’, took place in March 2023 at Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venice.

Catch up on our latest sessions…

Thursday 21st March 2024

Body of Words: Translating the Emotional Narrative’

with guest expert

Claire Tonna

ŻfinMalta National Dance Company Movimento Talking Dance Claire Tonna square

Claire gave a master class/workshop sharing the tools within songwriting that she uses, develops, and shares; the foundations of which can benefit any dancer, artist, creator and any human being.  Participants engaged enthusiastically with this experience, diving deeper into their emotional intelligence, and even discovered the songwriter in themselves.


Audiences were treated to a live improvised performance from Claire, who took the words our audience had written throughout the session as a body of lyrics.


‘There is a silent choreographer in each one of us that our own words can unveil. The sound and meaning of such words is the big conversation we might need to hear. An interior dancer manifesting how we live and what we are creating with our movement and thoughts; for and beyond the stage’.

Thursday 31st January 2024

‘Space, Time…and Time Again 

with guest expert

Kenneth Scicluna

ŻfinMalta National Dance Company Movimento Kenneth Scicluna

Kenneth Scicluna provided us with excellent inside into movement from the perspective of film. Participants studied excerpts of film to grasp the notions of the balance between space, time, and movement, that Kenneth shared: “A consideration of thoughts on a shifty notion of time, sifted through plastic space. Of duration felt and bounds pushed against. An exploration of the confluence of film and dance, through personal and public works and moments, through the hard semantics of tangibility and the elusive syntax of perception.”


Of the immense experience of being human, measured in instants of a lifetime, and the unarrestable shapes formed in movement.

Thursday 9th November 2023

Probing movement … A dramaturg’s experience’

with guest expert

Victor Jacono

Along with sharing his experience of movement and dance through this lens, during this session, Victor led us through the concept of dramaturgy and the many roles of a dramaturg, through discussions about his previous personal experiences.  He shared his multifaceted approach to dramaturgy whilst producing some dramaturgical tools that participants can try out.


“The dramaturg’s work may be too complex to capture in a few words, but I have a soft spot for synthetic definitions, so … for me, dramaturgy is empowering the artist’s work, that in turn is empowering the creative encounter between the artist and the beholder.

Wednesday 21st June 2023

Becoming Posthuman by Moving with-in Public Space 

with guest expert

Florinda Camilleri

Florinda Camilleri for ŻfinMalta's Movimento photograph by Lisa Attard

In a time of environmental crises, we urgently need to re-consider our ways of relating with the world as humans. The field of posthumanism offers rich terrain(s) for this line of inquiry. One of its most prominent theorists, Karen Barad, states that, “ ‘We’ are not outside observers of the world. Nor are we simply located at particular places in the world; rather, we are part of the world in its ongoing intra-activity” (2003).  


How might we come to the understand the human body in a posthuman way – not as a closed, singular unit, but a complex system of multiple components, always already embedded in wider webs of human and more-than-human matters? To answer this question, I turn to my dancing body as an apparatus for knowledge production, and situate myself outside of studio-based or proscenium arch practices into urban public spaces. 


Thursday 20th April 2023

‘Movement through the Lens of Activism’

with guest experts from

Young Progressive Beings

ŻfinMalta Movimento Young progressive beings

Rachelle and Francesca, two founding members of Young Progressive Beings, explored the role of activism in Maltese society, posing movement and the body at the centre of the discussion to instigate change. By defining space and its occupation through public stunts and protests, they demonstrated how YPB and other local activist groups have approached this in the last few years. They explored the future of activism and its relationship to art, space and the body, and showed their audience how the body is a powerful tool of activism.

Young Progressive Beings (YPB) is a grassroots voluntary organisation demanding better sex education in all schools, access to sexual health services, and the decriminalisation of abortion.  YPB was formed after a pro-choice publicity stunt in June 2019 and has been active in many feminist debates.  Today, YPB has nine young committee members interested in intersectional feminism and social justice who seek to mobilise youths into activism.

Read our blog with Young Progressive Beings:


Young Progressive Beings for Movimento!
Tuesday 28th March 2023

‘Working With (and For) Digital Media’

with guest expert

John D’Arcy

For the second appointment in the ŻfinMalta Movimento series for 2023, our guest expert John D’Arcy presented some examples from his artistic practice and invited a discussion on the potentials and challenges of incorporating varying forms digital media into movement practice.  Our audience had an opportunity to engage with some of the technologies John works with, and experimented with 360 video!

Dr John D’Arcy is an artist and researcher based at the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC).  His research interests include technology-mediated live performance, voice-based intermedia artwork, and participatory song-making.   His recent project Pathways involves interdisciplinary collaboration between his digital media arts practice and Malta-based dance scholar and artist Paula Guzzanti, looking at how sensorial experience can be mediated using digital art to explore sustainable living practices.

Thursday 9th March 2023

‘Writing movement: Questions on choreography ‘

with guest expert

Lara Zammit

Lara Zammit for Movimento with ŻfinMalta

Lara Zammit, Arts and Culture editor for The Times of Malta started of our Movimento season for 2022-23! Lara’s background in philosophy contributed to the way she approached her session, ‘Writing movement: Questions on choreography,’ as she unpacked and questioned what writing movement can entail.

Lara delved into two main concepts: Writing as movement (choreography) vs. Dance in writing, (the attempt to capture the practice of choreography in language or via notation.) We analysed a clip of ŻfinMalta in Tânia Carvalho’s ‘Weaving Chaos,’ and had our own try at practicing the skills necessary for dance criticism.

Tuesday 28th June 2022

‘Movement in film: Creating Luzzu ‘

with guest expert

Alex Camilleri

Alex Camilleri for ŻfinMalta's Movimento

Alex Camilleri was the final guest of our third season, and showed us all the ways that movement enters his creative process, sometimes in ways never expected. He led us through the process of creating his debut feature film,’Luzzu,’ where he had to take on many roles, including director, editor, and finding his cast on a journey around Malta, which led to a new way of working and discoveries on the importance of adapting and growing as an artist.

We had the opportunity to learn about the purpose of different tools in film direction and editing, and the chance to watch parts of Alex’s film, where we could identify which of these devices Alex had used and why.

Tuesday 31st May 2022

‘The music of the spheres: Sonification of the solar system’

with guest expert

Dr Michael Quinton

Dr Michael Quinton for ŻfinMalta's Movimento

Dr Michael Quinton taught us about the practice of sonification and its widely practical application, as well as his own studies about our Solar System. His PhD consisted of translating the planets around us into a sound design: for both astronomers to use and easily identify data, and its use in a planetarium providing a surround experience for the blind.


Michael showed us how a system could be developed to translate data into sound, and in groups we had the chance to design our own sonification of the Solar System.


You can find out more about Michael’s Movimento session from our blog here: 

Tuesday 3rd May 2022

‘Deconstructing a classic’

with guest expert

Riccardo Buscarini

Riccardo Buscarini for ZfinMalta's Movimento

Riccardo Buscarini joined us for a special edition of Movimento, in conversation with ŻfinMalta’s Artistic Director Paolo Mangiola, discussing his new take on a classic narrative for the upcoming Requiem for Juliet. Both experts were in their element: talking dance, and unpacking the classic tale of Romeo & Juliet as told in the aftermath by a grieving Lady Capulet. Audiences gained insight into the many facets of the creative process and planning for a dance production of this scale, premiering at Teatru Manoel in May. You can find out more about Riccardo’s Movimento session from our blog here:

Tuesday 29th March 2022

‘Freeze, Loop, Reverse’

with guest expert

Alexandra Pace

Alexandra Pace for ŻfinMalta's Movimento

Alexandra Pace guided us through some of her photographic, cinematic, and literary inspirations, as well as her own work that followed, to demonstrate her “pre-occupation with time and movement,” and how the perception of time can be manipulated with various tools across different art forms and mediums.

‘My medium is photography and the moving image, as well as the chopping and remixing of cult cinema, print-making and the darkroom. However, I am also the founder of Blitz Valletta and a digital designer. It sounds complicated but it’s actually all connected.’ 

You can find out more about Alexandra’s Movimento session from our blog here:

Tuesday 8th February 2022

‘Stories on Objects, Space & Movement’

with guest expert

Tom Van Malderen

ZfinMalta's Movimento - Tom Van Malderen

Tom Van Malderen gave us his perspective on movement, that of a skilled architect, sculptor, furniture designer, stage designer, and artist. Tom started his studies and career in architecture, for which he explains owes its existence to form and space, and “whos perception owes a great deal to movement.”

“We all observe and live in the world a different way – this is just the opinion of one person, in one body, with its own proportions, and perhaps you live in and relate to this world differently.” 


For further information on ZfinMalta’s Education and Participation programmes and to discuss the ŻfinMalta’s Artist Development programme, please contact our Education & Outreach Officer, Martina Zammit on